Country: Multi-national
Language: In English or w/English subtitles
Multiple Film Types | 2020, 2021 | 73 mins
Recommended for ages 10+ (Parental Guidance: Age recommendation is based on the last two films. Uno dopo l'altro plays with perceptions of peril. Dalia's central event is euthanizing a wounded animal. It's sensitively handled but very clear what is happening. There is no age to suggest when a young mind is ready for this topic. Just use your intuition. It's a beautiful film.)

Who or what do you care for? Sometimes those who care for others would surprise you. Other times it may be expected but not delivered. The stories told on this reel include a grandfather and granddaughter trying to help one another get through a difficult time; another grandfather like figure trying to explain to his puppet that he won’t always be around to animate him; and a stunningly beautiful film about a father and son growing closer together after caring for an animal is the most difficult way. Taking care of others can be part of taking care of yourself.

FLOUNDERING – Charlie and her Granddad Roger ride to the beach to go on their last floundering adventure before Charlie goes back to school, which she dreads. After a heartfelt conversation, Charlie makes an important decision. (2021 / 17 mins / New Zealand / dir. William McKegg / in English / ages 10+)

THE SEAGULLS – A young woman recalls a day she spent on the pond with her grandfather. Sometimes just one day in your childhood stands out for the subtlest of reasons.  (2021 / 3 mins / France / dir. Lara Mattelart / in French w/English subtitles / ages 8+)

FRANK & EMMET – A puppeteer nearing the end of his life reminisces with his favorite puppet. After a startling revelation, the two discuss whether the creator makes art or art makes the creator. (2021 / 12 mins / USA / dir. Carlos F. Puertolas / in English / ages 10+, The topic of death is the primary discussion handled sensitively.)

LITTLE SASHA – Sasha’s biggest fear is that her life will pass by in a blink. During a magical night with her best friend, will she dare to blink? (2021 / 9 mins / Russian Federation / dir. Olga Dobromyslova / in Russian w/English subtitles / ages 8+)

MOON KEEPER – Carl, the man on the moon, is a fastidious janitor who has to tidy up after moon explorers visit from Earth. Even Carl can only take so much!  (2020 / 5 mins / France / dirs. Axel Alvarez, Arthur Amanatiou, Nicolas Gresland, Michael Raux, Maxime Richar / no dialogue / all ages)

ONE DAY AFTER THE OTHER (Uno dopo l’altro) – Sometimes a young person and an older person can watch a film and see two different narratives. This is one such film. It plays upon the things we don’t know but assume we do. (2021 / 10 mins / Italy / dir. Valerio Gnesini / in Italian w/English subtitles / ages 10+)

DALÍA – A six year old boy of divorced parents spends a weekend at his dad’s farm. Not knowing how to connect with his son, the father goes about his day working and treating the boy like any other farmhand. When they come across the mother’s seriously wounded horse they finally find a way to connect as they carefully go through the process of putting the horse out of its misery. (2020 / 16 mins / Iceland / dir. Brúsi Ólason / in Icelandic w/English subtitles / ages 10+)