Sneak Peeks! A fundraiser for the Providence Children’s Film Festival on November 14
October 15, 2014Please join us for a grown-ups only evening of complimentary drinks and hors d’oeuvres, sparkling conversation, a live auction and a preview of 2015 festival selections!
Friday, November 14, 2014
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Aurora Providence – 276 Westminster Street
• Dutch and Silent Auction
• Wine generously donated from Campus Fine Wines
• Delicious hors d’oeuvres provided by Fireworks Catering
Click here to RSVP!
We will be auctioning off a dinner for 6 compliments of Fire Works Catering, a PCFF birthday party, tickets to a grown ups only special evening of shorts, as well as framed limited editions silk screen festival prints from 2012, 2013, 2014, and the upcoming 2015 festival! Read more about the auction below!
Dinner for 6 compliments of Fire Works Catering
Chef Mark Garofalo of Fire Works Catering will prepare a 6 course meal in your home for up to 6 guests. Chef Mark and his staff will come to your home, prepare, cook and serve dinner for you and your guests. Then clean up and leave you with memories of one of the best meals ever.
Winner responsible for all alcoholic beverages offered and served to guests.
A Providence Children’s Film Festival Birthday Party
Do you know a child who loves movies? How about bidding on the best birthday present ever!
Lindsay Shaw and the Providence Athenaeum will host your budding cinephile, and up to twelve friends, to a selection of shorts curated and presented by Eric Bilodeau, Providence Children’s Film Festival’s programmer extraordinaire. Keeping with the spirit of PCFF this film is more than a “hit play button” event. There will be pausin’, participatin’, playin’, and pop quizzin.’ By the time they leave, Fellini, Kurosawa, Coppola and Herzog might be part of their cinematic vocabulary! (Maybe…)
PCFF will provide popcorn, cupcakes, and party favors. The Flatbread Company will donate pizza. All you need to do is to coordinate a date with Lindsay then send out the invitations. PCFF takes care of the rest.*
*Birthday party to be celebrated before December 31, 2015 and is dependent on venue availability.
For Grown Ups Only: A Special Evening of Shorts
For all us adults who love the Providence Children’s Film Festival as much as the children do, Eric Bilodeau, Director of Film Programming for the Providence Children’s Film Festival, will present an evening of shorts for grown-ups only. Eric Bilodeau will present what he calls “the best of the worst”. These are films that left us wondering how ANYONE might have thought were appropriate for young eyes to watch? It’s an eclectic mix that ranges from very good to films with mature themes to films that make one slap their forehead in disbelief. Nothing dull here!
The evening will be hosted by Lindsay Shaw at the Providence Athenaeum on Saturday, March 7, 2015. A wine bar will be provided by Campus Fine Wines along with movie snacks provided by PCFF and pizza donated by The Flatbread Company.
Buy tickets for this unique evening at the PCFF Fundraiser, November 14, 2014 at Aurora Providence. Tickets are $30 per person / $50 per couple.
Providence Children’s Film Festival Posters
Starting in 2012 PCFF has produced a limited run of screen printed 18 x 24 posters capturing the graphics theme of each given year. Designed by the festival team at 4 Eyes and locally printed in an edition of 80 by Head Light Hotel, these have become sought after collectors’ items. Now you can have all three festival posters, beautifully framed and ready to hang, as well as a certificate to secure the 2015 poster — including framing from Providence Picture Frame.
Lindsay Shaw is the Children’s Librarian at The Providence Athenaeum, an independent, member-supported library housing and conserving a wide-ranging collection of materials. The Athenaeum is also an important part of the larger Providence community, providing opportunities for members and others to come together for cultural programming and social interaction.
Eric Bilodeau was raised in the family movie business in Rhode Island (The Bristol Cinema, The Castle Cinema, The Meadowbrook Cinema and the Cable Car Cinema & Cafe). He developed a strong sense of film programming in both commercial and art houses. Running the Cable Car Cinema for 18 years gave him the experience to sharpen his skills in a multitude of film genres. After selling the Cable Car Cinema in 2007, Eric was hired as the Director of Programming for the Newport International Film Festival until he became the Director of Film Programming for the Providence Children’s Film Festival in 2010.
Thank you to our sponsors: Fireworks Catering | Campus Fine Wines | Bottle Rocket Design | DES Printing | Providence Picture Frame | Providence Athenaeum