Adults ONLY Night
It’s baaack! Our one-of-a-kind fundraiser has returned in support of the Providence Children’s Film Festival.
Join us for a very fun, interactive evening led by our Director/Programmer Eric Bilodeau. The evening starts off with some tasty treats and “adults only” type of drinks (beer, wine, soft drinks) followed by a screening of assorted short films that not only didn’t make the final cut but left our jury wondering aloud… “Who would submit this to a children’s film festival?!”
LOCATION: The Pavilion of the Southside Cultural Center of RI. 393 Broad St. Providence, RI (in the rear)
TIME: Doors open at 6:00pm. Films roll at 7:00pm
TICKETS: Single: $60.00 advance/$65 (day of). Couple: $100 advance/$110 day of. Sorry kids, no one under 18 will be admitted. 🙂 Tickets can be purchased…